comments on: what cause traffic jams? the physics behind you need to know - 2022年世界杯预选赛赛程 // all about cars thu, 26 dec 2019 21:39:17 +0000 hourly 1 by: mark snyder // thu, 26 dec 2019 21:39:17 +0000 // the assumptions of the accident are correct and obvious. the rest is what i call “fancy word” garbage. human natures makes messes whether it’s driving, the environment, or what we eat. humans are constantly selfish and demanding
any theory that hopes to explain the ills of the day should remember that. humans don’t act like a pack of 1000 animals. instead they act as one greedy person x 1000. your theory must take that in.

by: joe // mon, 25 nov 2019 21:33:53 +0000 // actually, this kind of slow driving is what causes traffic jams. when you “create space” in front of you, you’re slowing down, a lot. and everyone behind you has to slow down too. you’re basically doing the exact same thing that rubberneckers do.

by: zardock // sat, 02 nov 2019 18:07:45 +0000 // the more i drive the more i realize it’s primary excessively slow drivers that cause traffic jams. almost every line of cars being held up, there’s always 1 or 2 people in the front of the jam who are going 5-10 below the speed limit and refuse to let anyone pass. it doesn’t help that speed limits are arbitrarily lower than they should be in a majority of roads. you can avoid an excessively fast driver most of the time by just letting them pass, there’s not much you can do about an oblivious slow driver with 20 cars behind them that won’t let anyone pass. in my experience the slower drivers are not paying much attention and are often the ones i’m most afraid will random change lanes and cut people off.

by: alejandro // tue, 22 oct 2019 14:23:41 +0000 // fellow western washingtonian here. i’ve tried to analyze jams the same way, but never dove too deep into it because i was just so frustrated all the time.
that said, this is a great article we should all read.
wouldn’t it be amazing if our transit authorities and highway patrols worked hand in hand to unjam highways instead of focusing on handing out tickets? seems to me their goal of zero accidents might look more realistic if traffic flowed more effortlessly.

by: tony // thu, 10 oct 2019 11:40:54 +0000 // what a brilliant article. explains a lot.

just what i needed, as i could never where these ‘traffic jams’ suddenly materialise from.

if only people could some courtesy, some sympathy, and taste. er, i mean …
some courtesy and common sense at least. and less competitiveness!

and id only they could damn well merge properly! most people have no idea.

by: tony // thu, 10 oct 2019 11:35:27 +0000 // in reply to james g.

etiquette in driving? what, you mean show some courtesy on the road? in the us?
never! that’s a totally foreign concept! ha! it’s every man for himself! ah, such great drivers.

doesn’t happen in australia either for the most part, but slightly better than the us.
most people have no idea about real courtesy .. or common sense for that matter … on the road.

and they’re all hopeless at merging! at any time!

by: tony // thu, 10 oct 2019 11:30:44 +0000 // in reply to joe.

could you imagine them being this organised in the u.s.?
that’d be far too difficult for most of the population to get their heads around. ha!
but they’ll tell you how great america is and what fantastic drivers they all are!

by: james g // wed, 21 aug 2019 13:35:16 +0000 // i don’t know whether you know this, but here in the uk it’s part of the etiquette of driving that you do try to let people merge into the lane in front of you when you’re driving in a traffic jam. most people do it. but you’re supposed to acknowledge the driver who’s let you in by raising your hand to say thank you. if you don’t believe me, come and visit us here in the uk and do some driving. you’ll find what i’ve just said happens 90% of the time. i noticed when i was in the usa that hardly anyone does it, and no-one ever says thank you by raising their hand. it means you have a lot more traffic jams than you’d otherwise have.

by: helder // wed, 31 jul 2019 13:28:40 +0000 // many truck drivers know this and some even apply exactly that solution you mentioned.

by: jerald // thu, 13 jun 2019 17:36:32 +0000 // bryan,
what are your thoughts on making it illegal to pass in the right lane, lanes?
